Transparent High Performance USB

- USB Digital Audio Cable
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1,0 m
артикул: AT22965
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2,0 m
артикул: AT22966
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3.0 m
артикул: AT22967
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Transparent High Performance USB Cable is designed for connections between a computer and a USB Audio DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter). HPUSB accurately transfers the full richness and dynamic range of the music stored on your computer or media server. Three shields provide superior protection from external noise interference and internal noise interference from computer power supplies. Custom, gold-plated USB connectors and precision termination techniques insure accurate digital signal transfer. The large gauge solid core conductors have greater surface area than typical USB cables further aiding digital signal transfer even over longer lengths. Transparent High Performance USB Cable has extruded foam polyethylene dielectric, a far superior insulator than the material used in typical USB cables in terms of maintaining ideal propagation speed and reducing signal loss. 

  • Standard termination: USB A > USB B
  • Lengths: .5 meter, 1 meter, 1.5 meter, 2 meter, 10 feet, 15 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet
  • Transparent recommends following your USB DAC manufacturer's recommendations regarding USB audio cable length.
  • Note: some computer USB outputs cannot drive longer lengths of typical USB audio cables. Transparent Premium USB Audio Cable is a high resolution, high speed cable that will pass a high quality DAC signal over longer lengths than expected with a wide assortment of computer interfaces. If your installation requires a USB cable longer than 15 feet, however, please consult you're your Transparent dealer or call Transparent.


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